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Our Lady of Medjugorje LATEST MEDJUGORJE MESSAGE, 25/08/2024
Dear children! Today, my prayer with you is for peace. Good and evil are fighting and want to prevail in the world and in the hearts of people. You be people of hope and prayer and of great trust in God the Creator to Whom everything is possible. Little children, may peace prevail in you and around you. I am blessing you with my motherly blessing that you, little children, may be joy for all those whom you meet. Thank you for having responded to my call.

All monthly Messages
1987      1988      1989      1990      1991
1992      1993      1994      1995      1996
1997      1998      1999      2000      2001
2002      2003      2004      2005      2006
2007      2008      2009      2010      2011
2012      2013      2014      2015      2016
2017      2018      2019      2020      2021
2022      2023      2024      

Dear children, Your pure and sincere love draws my motherly heart. Your faith and trust in the Heavenly Father are fragrant roses which you offer to me—the most beautiful bouquets of roses which consist of your prayers, acts of mercy and of love. Apostles of my love, you who sincerely and with a pure heart strive to follow my Son, you who sincerely love Him, you help; you be an example to those who have not yet come to know the love of my Son—but, my children, not only with words but also with acts and pure feelings through which you glorify the Heavenly Father. Apostles of my love, it is a time of vigilance, and of you I am asking for love, that you not judge—anyone. Because the Heavenly Father will judge everyone.
I am asking that you love, that you convey the truth; because truth is old, it is not new, it is eternal, it is truth. It testifies to God’s eternity. Bring the light of my Son and keep breaking the darkness which all the more wants to seize you. Do not be afraid. Through the grace and the love of my Son, I am with you. Thank you.

All Messages given to Mirjana
2004      2005      2006      2007      2008
2009      2010      2011      2012      2013
2014      2015      2016      2017      2018
2019      2020      


Picture taken to Vicka while talking with two pilgrims.
Behind her is the image of Our Lady of Medjugorje

Giovanni Paolo II

"Desidero esprimere la mia approvazione e il mio incoraggiamento a quanti, a qualunque titolo, nella Chiesa continuano a coltivare, approfondire e promuovere il culto al Cuore di Cristo, con linguaggio e forme adatte al nostro tempo, in modo da poterlo trasmettere alle generazioni future nello spirito che sempre lo ha animato"
Messaggio nel centenario della consacrazione del genere umano al Cuore divino di Gesù

Parole di Gesù Divina Misericordia a
Santa Faustina Kowalska
Oggi, benché sia molto stanca, ho deciso di fare l'ora santa. Non ho potuto pregare, non ho potuto nemmeno stare in ginocchio, ma rimasi in preghiera un'ora intera e mi unii in spirito alle anime che adorano Dio in modo perfetto. Verso la fine dell'ora all'improvviso vidi Gesù che mi guardò profondamente e con una dolcezza indicibile e disse: “ La tua preghiera Mi è immensamente gradita”.

I Santi di oggi

Sant' Ildegarda di Bingen Vergine, Dottore della Chiesa - Memoria Facoltativa
San Roberto Bellarmino Vescovo e dottore della Chiesa - Memoria Facoltativa
San Francesco Maria da Camporosso (Giovanni Croese) Laico cappuccino
San Flacco Sacerdote
San Sevoldo Confessore
San Stanislao di Gesù Maria (Jan Papczynski) Sacerdote, fondatore
San Francesco d'Assisi, Impressione delle Stimmate
gli altri santi ...

Ascolta Radio Maria

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